PowerDownDebt, Inc. is happy to provide links to valuable resources.

The information below is intended for educational purposes only.
Providers of this information may, or may not be affiliated with PowerDownDebt, Inc.

Tips from the Money Doctor - from dining out deals to increasing your income [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Facts - Foreclosure Avoidance [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Reverse Mortgage[read more]

Federal Investigation of Debt Settlement  [read more]

Federal Trade Commission - Investment Schemes [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Work at home schemes [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Franchise and Business Opportunities [read more]

Better Business Bureau www.bbb.org

What you should know before you take that paycheck advance loan  [read more]

The simplest, most accurate, most effective Budget you'll ever use [read more]

Federal Trade Commission - Facts about Debt Management  [read more]

More Information About SAFRA  [read more]

President Obama signed SAFRA into effect 7-12-2010 [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Facts for Consumers - Settling Your Debt  [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Credit Repair [read more]

Federal Trade Commission - Credit Score [read more]

Federal Trade Commission Bankruptcy [read more]

Fighting Back Against Identity Theft  [read more]


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It's Fast, Easy, Free— and Confidential

Take 5 minutes to complete your 3-step online Debt Analysis, and receive instant results about:
  • how quickly you will be debt free
  • how much money you will save with our plan
  • what your effective interest will be.
Be assured: this form does not require any personal information - no account numbers, no Social Security Numbers, no sensitive data.

Better Business Bureau Accredited

PowerDownDebt, Inc., is proud to be accredited by the Better Business Bureau since August 2009.

Better Business Bureau Accreditation    Award Better Business Bureau 2018
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